The T Rex gobbles up his Essential Fatty Acids! ]
Information obtained from EFAMOL Inc.
World Leaders in Research of Essentional Fatty Acids
Fats We Need to Eat
Importance of EFAs
fat is healthy? The idea that fat could be important to human
health may seem hard to believe. The fact is that fat is vital
to every cell, tissue and organ. Essential fatty acids cannot
be manufactured by the body and must be absorbed in our diet.
Essential fatty acids allow other molecules to enter and exit
the billions of cells that comprise human tissue. This molecular
stream takes working material to a cell's genetic fiber for replication
of chromosomes. It provides nourishment for cells to repair themselves
and building blocks for making proteins and other substances the
bloodstream must carry elsewhere in the body. This molecular flow,
screened by rich essential fatty acids configurations within cell
membranes, allows waste materials to pass from the cell for disposal.
Essential fatty acids are grouped in two main families: the Omega-6
family (found in evening primrose oil) which provides Linoleic
Acid (LA), and the Omega-3 family (found in marine fish oils)
which provides Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic
Acid (DHA). Both are important in helping maintain people's health.
In the past, there has been much discussion about "miracle"
molecules such as DNA and proteins. Today, however, medical research
is demonstrating that essential fatty acids manage many of the
functions attributed to DNA and protein sources. By grasping how
essential fatty acids perform in the body, scientists have paved
the way for a new generation of promising products.
Power of the Evening Primrose
development of these new products depends on the seeds of the
Evening Primrose -- a plant believed to have emerged 70,000 years
ago in Central America. Native Americans harnessed the plant's
powers from its leaves. Botanists claim the Evening Primrose migrated
to North America and spread across the world, where it has helped
millions of people. Today, a growing body of international research
is demonstrating a strong connection between essential fatty acids
contained in EPO and health, such as EPO's ability to raise declining
levels of n-6 and n-3. EPO, according to studies conducted by
the Efamol Research Institute, can also elevate levels of dihomo
gamma linoleic and arachidonic fatty acids in blood and body fat.
In short, as Efamol has discovered fat is no longer the enemy
of health, but a resource that, used properly in our diet, can
help people live healthier, longer lives.
Efamol | Leaders
in EFAs | Important EFAs ]