book Archives
~ Page 3 ~
Hi Alison,
Just wanted to bring you up to date on my 215 case here in hell. I
have been convicted, despite my "physicians statement",
to 3 months in jail, three years formal probation and disallowed my
medicene for the three years as well. I have learned a lot about politicians
and the law here through all this. One does not deserve justice unless
one can afford it. Even with all the "pro-marijuana" groups,
friends, and even family whom I have contacted about this, I have
gained no yardage in my favor. I thought I had a pretty good lawyer
the third time it all went through the courts, but alas, I was fooled
again. There are so many overshadowing news items going on that again
my case was just swept rapidly out the door. One of the "Big
News" items here was the death of Peter. Everyone is so rapt
in this that they don't even see the exact same thing happening to
me, 3 months isn't too long to bear in jail, but three years without
my medicene shall surely mean my demise as well. But I guess that's
the price you pay when your not financially equiped for such emergencys.
Anyway, I'm glad to hear about your progress. Good luck and best wishes.
Love David Fawcett Sr.
David Fawcett Sr. <james_bong@juno.com>
Ontario, CALIF usa - Thursday, June 29, 2000 at 23:26:18 (PDT)
you all for such great response to Alison's web page/site. We do hope
this helps everyone that is trying to deal with some type of ailment
that marijuana will be beneficial in some way. I know first hand that
it makes a huge difference in Alison's life and quality of life for
that matter. We can now watch videos at home without having her fall
asleep half way through ..... bad morphine . She is also able to spend
some time responding to all of your messages and emails! :c)
Goo <gynchis@home.com>
Burlington, ON Canada - Wednesday, June 28, 2000 at 09:38:24 (PDT)
for your very enlightening web page. I've been using pot for almost
a year now because I got desperate after 30 years of numerous health
problems (physical and emotional) and working with conventional doctors,
John Hopkins, NIH and others of that ilk. I wish I had discovered
this great medicine (marijuana) 30 years ago when my health problems
began, but instead I (and my health insurance company) spent a fortune
trying to get better, but I only slid downhill. I thank God I had
the fortitude (and decent therapists) to helped to keep me alive until
MMJ came along. I've felt suicidal for 30 years but not anymore. MMJ
helps me alot - alleviating problems with my mood, anxiety, depression,
pain and it greatly helps my concentration. After 30 years of feeling
like I live in tormented misery, I finally found some peace of mind
and body. It SHOULD be legalized for medical patients and we shouldn't
suffer because governments are afraid.
- Sunday, June 25, 2000 at 12:10:57 (PDT)
site Alison! Hopefully Canada's example will help set an example for
compassion here in the states. Too many people are suffering because
of our leaders are afraid of a plant.
Gary Storck
Madison, WI USA - Sunday, June 25, 2000 at 11:00:37 (PDT)
!! I don't even know how to sign my own Guestbook properly !! ;o)
(sideways smiley face - winking) Dear Graham, Dominic, Derek and others
who have been in contact - Thank You all so much for your support
in this sensitive issue. It is people like you that will be a welcome
refresher in the Medical Profession and the Political Arena in the
years to come, regarding the uses of "Medical Marijuana"
!! Your support is much appreciated !! For those of you facing the
Dilemma that troubles Graham, go to the Home Page (where the pictures
of Gary and I are), scale down to the words "your Health Issue".
You will find a report by Dr. Tod Mikuriya from the United States
regarding ALL of the diseases that Marijuana can help. Next, scale
down to " wonderful links". There you will find TREMENDOUS
information on ANY disease that has been tested using Marijuana by
G. W. Pharmaceuticals in the United Kingdom. Go to "Patient Area"
at the top of the page, then to "Medical Uses", then type
in your disease. I have it set up for Multiple Sclerosis. PRINT THESE
THINGS OUT AND TAKE THEM TO YOUR DOCTORS !! We need their help ~ Teach
them to say "KNOW" to Drugs !! (FYI....G. W. Pharmaceuticals
is one of the companies that ANSWERED THE GOVERNMENTS TENDER FOR A
LEGAL GROWER in Canada in June of 2000.) Good Luck Everyone - Please
let us know how you make out !! Bye bye for now, Alison :o)
Alison <myalison@home.com>
Ontario Canada - Thursday, June 22, 2000 at 14:43:04 (PDT)
mmy name is Graham. I am 26 yrs old, living with MS. I am trying to
get exemption aswell. My doctor is UNwilling to complete the form
as there is no medical proof of the drug. To say the least, it "pisses
me off". I have pain most of the day, I have problems galore
and I am too passive I think to argue with him. I get very emotional
easy this is the main reason I am passive. Any suggestions?
Greenough jr. <ggjr1@yahoo.com>
Edmonton, AB CANADA - Thursday, June 22, 2000 at 11:31:51 (PDT)
story, glad to hear that marijuana has helped you so much with your
ailments; and that you don't have to rely on those other legal drugs
that would most likely do more harm than good. Great looking web site!
take care of yourself, peace Derek
Derek <derek@pot.com>
Toronto, Ont Canada - Friday, June 16, 2000 at 17:05:18 (PDT)
site, I live in The U.S.A. and the laws here are just what you would
expect from a nation that is continuously at war, and has some of
the most horrible marijuana policies, never seems like they want to
give anyone any civil rights. I had the honour of visiting British
Columbia, and enjoying all the natural beauty, meeting activists,
medical patients and visiting the Compassion Club. I had 2 very vivid
dreams, that came true while in BC, not your typical intuition. I
know my soul would like to rest in Canada, I have always been drawn
to it, though ontario is quite captivating as well. I would like to
find a job in Canada caring for Medical users at their homes. I will
assist in Growing, curing and administering marijuana for the person
and or persons under my care. I'm in my 20's, unmarried, a great cook(vegetarian)...and
I believe that Marijuana is a gift from the spirit world, and helps
us live free of pain, be happy, copassionate and righteous. I have
care for the sick at home and am Certified here in the States to do
it. If anyone could offer me any assistance in relocating to Canada
and finding a job I would really appreciate it.. I am in this profession
because I believe in the miracle healing power of The Cannabis spirit.
I can be reached by e-mail,and will respond promptly. Alison, keep
fighting the good fight, people like you make North America free like
it should be...Canada will lead the way, and through embarassment
america will be forced to follow... Following the Path of The Buddah........
In peace, Dominic
Dominic Sindone <420bonghitter@usa.net>
Fort Wayne, IN USA - Thursday, June 15, 2000 at 14:26:19 (PDT)
just listened to some music on one of the fun links...your site is
literally TOO MUCH !! There is so much information here !! THUMP THUMP
THUMP (slow sound of a shoe keeping a beat).. "Goin' downtown
to see my baby..."
Blind Melon Chitlin <smokin@home.com>
Toronto, - Thursday, June 15, 2000 at 10:06:35 (PDT)
was a learning experience to find out that the herb that works for
me didn't work for you. I just assumed that the quality was the critical
factor but it turns out that for someone like yourself, it is the
strain that is the critical factor. I never really paid much attention
to the strain (unless it was something REALLY exotic in appearance).
I guess I'm lucky. I am one of the ones that respond ot multi-strains.
It looks like the government has it's hands full to not only produce
uniform, quality medicinal marijuana BUT also various strains !!
Robin des Bois AKA Hans <thewall72@hotmail.com>
Toronto, - Thursday, June 15, 2000 at 09:41:53 (PDT)
haven't had a chance to go to some of your links yet BUT I did re-read
your story. Each time I come here I learn a bit more about this campaign
and about the pioneers (such as yourself). I'm just about ready to
jump into the fray myself ! OOPS ! Too late...I just realized I already
jumped into the fray after our first meeting. Now it's only a matter
of time until I approach my doctor and make him aware that my recreational
use of this herb has produced some positive effects in dealing with
some other diseases I have. Physican...HEAL THYSELF !! *S* P.S. The
manufacturing of the herb delivery system has entered the next phase.
I had a chance...(the Boss is out...and you know what they say when
the cat is away ? PASS THE CHEESE !!)...to fill in the small spaces
with some more resin. The next phase will be the most labour intensive...the
dreaded sanding stage. This could take a while...say!!!! Anybody out
there have a belt sander I could use for a few minutes ? It would
make the next phase much less labour intensive !! There's gotta be
someone in the Toronto area that has a belt sander !!?? Please e-mail
me if you know of someone who has such a machine. It would be nice
if I could use it at the same location as where it is stored since
I don't have an area to use a sander.
Hans <thewall72@hotmail.com>
Toronto, - Thursday, June 15, 2000 at 09:20:38 (PDT)
site, best of luck to you both.
Chris and Julia McDonald
- Wednesday, June 14, 2000 at 19:39:44 (PDT)
This site was brought to my attention by my boss, John, and in a quick
discussion this site was brought to my attention. Thank you. I'm a
volunteer at a Hospice, the residents there have terminal cancer,and
or are HIV positive, just for starters. I would like to see easier
access to marijuana. The doctors are very free with giving out morphine,
demeral (when it was covered under social assistance because this
is no longer covered, morphine is the flavour of the day). Yet morphine
is an addictive drug, from what I've seen certainly has a lot more
negitive aspects and certainly a lot more than marijuane. I will be
getting as much information for the folks there that need it. If you
wish keep in touch with me to see how these folks are making out,
please keep in touch as I will. Columbia
Columbia Corindia <columbia.corindia@bellnexxia.com>
Toronto, ON Canada - Wednesday, June 14, 2000 at 10:07:28 (PDT)
Allison, I like your web page. Anyway i wrote you before about the
exemption 56, as i finaly got my letter from the Docter off on June
3 2000. I have a question for you: since you got your exemption, are
you allowed to grow your own medicine in small quontities for yourself.
If not do you get it legally. Yours truly.....Dave
DNapora <dnapora@attcanada.net>
BC Canada - Saturday, June 10, 2000 at 09:48:18 (PDT)
have DDD and failed back syndrome at the l5-S1 position and also in
my cervical area of my spine. I am taking 60mgs of morpine every 4
to 6 hours and smoke marijuana about every hour to two hours. About
a half a joint at a time. It seems to help keep me at a low level
of the narcotic use so I keep using even though in the state I live
in it's illegal and I am always in fear of being arrested for taking
care of my pain!!! Hard to believe in this day and age isn't it???
The problem I have is the strain that I have available. Not very good
at all. Someone saw a post that I put somewhere on a bulletin board
about someone in Cananda that is selling some really good strain (white
widow, etc.) through the mail and am seriously thinking about ordering
a 1/4 bag. If I do get caught it's not a large amount so they can't
say I'm using it for sale and with my 10 years of chronicled pain
problems I should have something to help me in court. I am just getting
at my ropes end trying to find it and find anything worth buying.
I just spent $100.00 on an Oz. of this terrible commercial weed that
is terrible smelling and dry but that's all I can get right at this
time. For whatever you are doing keep up the good work and I hope
someday people will realize what it is we go through on a daily basis.
Thanks ,Jim
Jim Constantine
Concord, NH USA - Wednesday, June 07, 2000 at 00:48:30 (PDT)
luck, and DON'T GIVE UP!!!
Enrico <Enrico@prontomail.com>
Hamilton, ON Canada - Sunday, June 04, 2000 at 14:05:32 (PDT)
are looking good! Keep coming back and checking out any updates we
have added. Links page has been updated! :c)
Gary aka Goo
BurlOak, ON Canada - Sunday, June 04, 2000 at 00:42:24 (PDT)
Alison, Your Mom told me about your web page. You've done a terrific
job! Continued success with your mission and I am sure many people
who are suffering from excruciating pain will be glad to hear your
story and jump on your bandwagon. The photos also look terrific. All
the best Nellie
Nellie Bannayan <Bannayan@home.com>
Brantford, ON Canada - Sunday, May 28, 2000 at 18:36:37 (PDT)
another day in the life of an exemptie in Canada.This guy has good
day's and bad.Alot better now ,over the last 4 weeks especially ,as
i'm finnaly getting over the 4 months of hell my body has endured
detoxifying from a slew of pharmacutcals i quit last year! Marijuana
has brought me back to reality.I have days where I feel sorry for
myself and depressed ,cause I am :)I get over them.I can cry again
!!! my weed lifts my spirits ,calms my anxiety and helps me deal with
amounts of stress ,previously not capable of handling on "The
Coctails". I'm not real nice to people now sometimes,as my bio-chemistry
adjusts.,I see and feel improvements daily,but i have to appologise
to the friends that i've dissrespected and been a pain in the ass
to. I saw my daughter for the first time in many months today. God,
i just held her ,and held her, and ignored her mother who is denying
legal access over my medicinal marijuana use. When i told her i was
feeling better now than at time in the last 2 yrs,her answer was typical."why
do you need marijuana then" To which i replied,"it's because
of the marijuana" That's where she shut off. A judge will hopefully
see my recovery from an unsuccessful regiment of Interferon/ribavirin
,and the management of Hep C and a degenerative disk desease, anxiety
and depression are being done solely BECAUSE of marijuana. And "see"
that i'm a better father and person for it. If truth and justice find
their way into family court, Laura and I will be back on track soon.
Once i've finnished with this in June ,i will have more resorses and
time to put into what problems we have going on here. Hey Health Canada
,Remember Me? I Been busy..,fighting for my kid my health,my medicine,my
friends. So I 'havn't been so far up your butt's as of late .Rossie
from CBC has your ass on air soon It will be interesting how you sidestep
some honest questions to the atrosities you've created in this Contry.I'll
post the Date for all to tune in and listen to your back patting shite.
whew... i feel better now :) ,I'm sure the marijuana has "nothing
at all" to do with that..... Peace :)sonnyboy
sonnyboy, steven bacon
Oshawa , Ont. Canada - Saturday, May 27, 2000 at 18:26:59 (PDT)
Alison and Gary: Thank you for contacting me about your new sit. Sites
like this are a big help in my plight for justice. I was diagnosed
with shingles a few years ago. The doctor was giving me cortisone
injections for the pain but said it would weeken my bones with too
much use so he prescribed codine which interfered with my ability
to be the machinist I am. he finally asked me "If you have any
access to marijuana , try that". I did and it works. Then last
october my home was invaded by some heavily armed legal bandits. They
took all my medicine, guns, notes for a book I was writing, porno
movies, and even the darts off my dartboard, leaving one dart to hold
up a computer generated note saying "A DAY WITH OUT DARTS IS
WE MAKE HOUSE CALLS" Since then I have sunkin in to a deep depression
due to so many recent deaths in my family( two brothers and my mom)
and this arrest. I was up in northern CA visiting my father after
being sentenced for cultivation and possesion of MMJ and met a Dr.
Marion Fry who wrote me a Physician's statement about my MMJ use and
said to also use it for depression. It has been working fine until
last Wednesday when two probation officers entered my home and took
it all away again. They informed me that I was in direct violation
of my probation and my doctors statement had no validity with them.
They said I need a Doctors "prescription". I have been through
the court system twice already with this case and not gotten justice
yet. Earlier that same Wednesday I went to court alone and requested
my plea be set aside. The judge appointed me a David M. Goldstein
atty with the West End Defenders Group and set a date of June 14.
I have lost faith in any lawyers but will have him by my side as a
formality as I try to achieve justice by myself this time. Meanwhile
I am to begin a sentence of 90 days in jail on June 2. Thanks again
and God Bless It really is a wonder drug and I thank god for it!
David E. Fawcett Sr. <james_bong@juno.com>
Ontario, CA U.S.A. - Friday, May 26, 2000 at 10:49:42 (PDT)
Baaaack...Just relized it was your Wesite address, not your e-mail
that I couldn't get to work Andrea. Please, if you can, drop it in
our Guestbook again ?? Thanks... Congratulations to Andrew for finding
another terrible disease that this MEDICATION benefits - I'm so glad
he could be here to join us ! Shows us ONE MORE reason to allow MEDICINAL
MARIJUANA !! Thank you !! :o) You are DEFINITELY helping our cause
!! Take care everyone, Alison :o)
Alison <myalison@home.com>
Ontario Canada - Friday, May 26, 2000 at 08:41:52 (PDT)
Everybody !! Thanx for stopping by with all of your Fabulous ENCOURAGEMENT
!! Cindy you are wonderful ! Just a quick question...Anybody know
what the Bill (?) is called that people apply for in the United States
to be LEGALLY allowed to smoke etc. Marijuana in America ?? Have had
a few people ask me. Thanx in advance for any help. Also, is anyone
out there from the "Stormy Ray Foundation" ? I misplaced
the address you left when you signed our Guestbook David and/or Andrea
(your e-mail didn't work when I tried you Andrea). I would love to
get that again if someone wouldn't mind passing it along !! :o) Hope
Everyone has another great day !! I'm sure going to try !! Bye bye,
Alison :o)
Alison <myalison@home.com>
Ontario Canada - Friday, May 26, 2000 at 08:31:11 (PDT)
I am a survivor of non-hodgkins lymphoma and doing great! After chemo
treatment, I was still visited self healing skin legions, leaving
the doctors in awe. About the same time those legions started disapating,
I began smoking pot. Monday(5/22) I read in the Birmingham,AL news
paper that pot helps with sclerosis and reduces the risk of non-hodgkins
lymphoma. Please help me in getting a perscription. ADVICE
Andrew Richardson <adrichar@olemiss.edu>
Oxford, MS - Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 18:35:47 (PDT)
GIRL!! You have the right to get what you think is right and you know
what is making you feel better. Obviously the medical society should
see your reduced amount of pain pills and narcotics and make it not
only healthy and safe for you now. We have to fight for what we want
which is a terrible descrimination in itself but also gives the willpower
not to give up but to go and get what is ours!! So keep up the work
and be proud of what you accompish for yourselve and others and make
the government see thru your eyes-after all--we are the people and
they owe us our lives-we pay enough for it! Hugsssssss and keep smiling!
Cindy intensive care nurse
Cindy <cinder@slic.com>
upstate, NewYork USA - Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 15:25:55 (PDT)
just LOVE the lava lamps in your site.(I am a child of the 60's) I
never got one until Christmas a couple of years ago.*S* Having met
you, Alison, I found you to be an inspiration in how to deal with
difficulties that life throws at you. You are literally a beacon of
light that has the power to change those around you. You are an amazing
person and Gary is a great guy. What a team! I will do my best to
bring down the price of your prescription. There is truly strength
in numbers!! Together WE can ALL make this work until the Government
of Canada can supply you with the drug.
Hans <thewall72@hotmail.com>
Toronto area, - Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 09:14:53 (PDT)
Everybody ! WOW !! I can't believe the comments in our Guestbook so
far...It's no Wonder I love my life !! :o) I can't thank everyone
enough for their support in this "delicate" matter...Nobody
ever wants to think of themselves in OUR position. PLEASE, talk about
this issue with your Doctors, your friends, your family, your co-workers
- ANYBODY !! People are suffering out there in Canada and other Countries
because this "Medication" is being denied them. We are fighting
for YOUR RIGHTS !! None of us want to see you in OUR POSITION !! What
if you weren't strong enough, or in good enough Health to fight for
this as a right ?? That's what WE are here for - for those of you
who CAN'T FIGHT because you are seriously ill or dying...The Suffering
needs to end !! Please people - STAND UP AND BE HEARD !! Alison :o)
Alison <myalison@home.com>
Ontario Canada - Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 09:00:16 (PDT)
there - kisses from Oakville.... I hear you get them from Spain too.....
Your Mom just brought me your web-site address. :0)
Barb <bjmartin@idirect.ca>
Oakville, - Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 07:15:50 (PDT)
Alison. I am signing again (since my last one I posted mysteriously
vanished:0) I think your site is terrific! It is very informative
and also shows that you are a very courageous person. I have spoken
to you many times at cannabis.com forum so you know all this already,
but for those that don't know my story here is a bit of info... I
have severe Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and degenerative
disk disorder, with arthritis in my back. (gosh did I leave anything
out?) Cannabis has helped me to have a better quality of life. It
is also helping me to get off a very nasty prescription drug called
Oxycontin. I still have a way to go with this one but I am able to
wean myself off this pain killer without all the terrible withdrawal
symptoms. Marijuana has been given a bad rap and it's people like
Alison that are making a difference! Keep up the good work Alison!
Karizma <karizma@hackersville.com>
PA USA - Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 04:44:10 (PDT)
to the club Uncle Bob.Congratulations on your resent exemption aquisition
!I'm so pleased to see you come forward and let the contry know with
us ,that we are good honest Canadians with nothing to be ashamed of
except the Gov't that gave us our exemptions.A gov't that has made
us get out of our sick beds to sneak around in fear to acquire our
medicine.A Gov't that did it's best to stall ,delay and deny it's
own sick and dissabled citizens their basic human right to simple
relief from their suffering . This from a Gov't that is using "a
more Compationate Gov't" as an election campagne prommiss. PLEASE
(get me a pail) We look forward to getting to know ya and your friendly
voice, peace:)sonnyboy
sonnyboy (steven) <sonnyboysb@yahoo.com>
oshawa, ont canada - Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 19:33:26 (PDT)
Alison! Good to see someone on the same wavelength...yes, we definately
need to get together and compare notes, let ourselves be heard and
all that good stuff...My name is Bob Burrill, everyone calls me "Uncle
Bob" and I live near Edmonton, Alberta. I received my medical
marijuana exemption on April 25, 2000. My exemption is for 3 flowering
plants, and 4 seedlings. I don't feel that this is a suitable amount
for someone like me who has to smoke a lot of mj. I'm constantly using
it...for a serious arthritic condition in my neck. As to helping out,
I have some media experience, I worked in broadcast radio as a news
writer, reporter and anchor... and I enjoy talking to people. I'd
be very happy to voice commercials, or documentaries, anything of
that nature for the cause. lets keep in touch! Peace. Uncle Bob
Uncle Bob <ve6ham@hotmail.com>
AB Canada - Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 16:13:53 (PDT)
my friends: Good luck for your splendy web and Mission. A big kiss
from Spain. Dr. Ricardo.
Dr. Ricardo <pedilafo@teleline.es>
Málaga, Spain - Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 05:02:25 (PDT)
agree that this natural substance should be available to benefit people
who are helped by its use. Keep up the fight Alison & Gary.
Jane DeSouza <cjtysha@aol.com>
Green Bay, WI USA - Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 20:11:07 (PDT)
- Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 18:20:03 (PDT)
and Gary, Our hat goes off to you both....your an inspiration to people
everywhere. Gotta love those pic's too!!! Keep on being our hero!!
The Honrath's @->->-
The Honrath Clan <khonrath@cgocable.net>
Burlington, Ont Canada - Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 16:14:59 (PDT)
on your awesome site and beautiful pictures of yourself and Gary...I
wish sucess with your battle with the govt...You will make this happen
for you Alison..i will chat with you soon..thank you so much for you
marnie hill <chickchat@home.com>
- Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 12:11:58 (PDT)
& Gary: Great Site, wishing you all the best.
rita citino <reetish@hotmail.com>
hamilton, ont canada - Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 08:15:26 (PDT)
to all, Look at this little site.Do you see what it represents? Here-in
lies the truth.Here-in is the efforts of a few honest Canadians to
bring hope and re-assurance that at least there is someone out there
that shares our feelings and hardships,our triumphs and our setbacks.God
bless ya's Alison and Gary for caring like you do. I have one message
to relay ."exempties unite".The message has come through
loud and clear from Health Canada,from the Supreme Crt.of Ont.,and
i want to thank them all for the advice.There Right.Look after yourselves
, has been the common denominator in this to date. United as a group
of federal exempties "is" the only answer. I call all federal
exempties to join us.Do ourselves a favor and Contact me. Let's go
folks ,lets be heard! Now, while we have their attention. Peace and
good health :) sonnyboy
Steven (sonnyboy)
Oshawa, Ont. Canada - Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 06:37:41 (PDT)
informative website! You are a source of great strength, I admire
you, both of you! Viki
viki morgan <vmorgan@stm.southam.ca>
Burlington, Ont Canada - Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 06:32:03 (PDT)
website, Al and Gary! Who took those great pictures? Keep up the good
Cam Lynch
Seoul, Korea - Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 06:16:53 (PDT)
site Prime! I'm passing it along to everyone I know. From one of your
biggest fans. Good luck and keep in touch!
Kim <kwebster@apcoassoc.com>
Burlington, Ontario Canada - Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 05:47:57 (PDT)
Alison! I like it! :c) A little tweaking here and there and I think
we've got it! Keep that spirit in high gear and nothing can stop you!
Gary Lynch a.k.a. Goo
Oakville, ON Canada - Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 05:17:10 (PDT)
to go Al/Goo! This bud's for you.
Gary Midwinter <midwinter@mkt.attcanada.net>
Burlington, On Canada - Monday, May 22, 2000 at 16:29:14 (PDT)
the best with your "mission" !!! we're rooting for you as
well as others in your position !! kelly & mark
kelly g.
burlington, ont canada - Monday, May 22, 2000 at 12:56:58 (PDT)
to your health! Weed is best!
veeman <big_brother@hypocrisy.org>
college station, tx USA - Monday, May 22, 2000 at 09:09:03 (PDT)
you for your web site. I was diagnosed with MS in February 1992 and
was holding own 'til divorce in 1996. A friend had me try cannabis
and it helped with spasms and pain. I am not solely on this, but other
meds too. This really helps me!!! Medicinal Marijuana is legal here
in Oregon.I am a legal card carrier! The chief petitioner has MS and
has a wonderful web site she is putting together. www.geocities.com/srf5/.
Please go. I think we need to get together and help all no matter
what country! Andrea
Andrea Canulette <naomi@macnet.com>
McMinnville, OR USA - Monday, May 22, 2000 at 07:47:37 (PDT)
job Alison, and good luck with your mission!!!!!
ann & troy
- Monday, May 22, 2000 at 07:09:16 (PDT)
Everybody !! You won't believe this, but I totally LOST ALL of your
wonderful comments on our NEW site so far...Still new to this, so
am learning the hard way... :o) Would love to hear what you have to
say as you see all of our new pages !! Drop us a line. Anybody from
the UK yet ?? Japan ?? Australia ?? Korea ???...Would love to hear
from YOU !! Have received great comments from the US and Canada so
far !! Thanx for being soooo patient... Alison :o)
Alison <myalison@home.com>
Burlington, ON Canada - Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 22:46:38 (PDT)
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