book Archives
~ Page 2 ~
So nice to see this site....Well done! I wonder if you've ever heard
of the Canadian organization , the "Institute Advancing Medicinal
Please visit www.iamm.com......and keep up the good fight. Blessed
Bless us all. Aerial Wolfe Freedom Fighter
Aerial Wolfe <Angelaeria@aol.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 07:37:31 (PDT)
NICE SITE!! Hi, MY name is Jody. I am a 39 yr. old male and a medical
user since 1980. I have got a copy of sec.56 exemption form from my
lawyer and my doctor is trying to help me with it. We are having trouble
with section "B",I have been growing my own and have no
idea of the strength/concentration and not sure what to put on the
application. I do the strain and that it works. Would you be able
to help me or know where I might find someone who can? Anything at
all would be a BIG help. Thanks for your time Jody
Jody Ireton <jireton@voyageur.ca>
Kenora, ONT CAN. - Wednesday, August 30, 2000 at 15:02:37 (PDT)
I was truly touched by your story. I am 22 years old and was just
diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia. I have been suffering and misdiagnosed
for a year now. This is a daunting problem to face. The doctors I
have seen have been unhelpfull. Helth care is very different here.
Doctors are forced to eliminate basic diagnostic tests and procedures
due to money restrictions. Consequently I can't get anyone to try
and find the cause of my TN. The doctors initally put me on Tegretol.
When I started having severe reactions to it I went to my doctor.
He resented the fact that I had done any reserch on the medicine and
on TN. He actually told me that the pain that the Tegretol was causing
wasn't a side efect but acid reflux. (Argh!) To say the least the
doctors and neurologist have not been supportive. To date I have gotten
NO siginficant relief from my pain. This is not only a burden for
me but for my family as well. My parents have been paying for acupuncture
to help relive the pain. It does help a little but it is very expensive
for the relief it does provide. It costs over $400 US a month and
it doesnt eliminate the pain. I am glad that you have found something
that actually works. I hope that some day medical marijuana will be
legal in the US. Sincerely, Erin Nelson P.S. If there is anything
you can add that would be of help please e-mail me at require@pacbell.net
Erin Nelson <require@pacbell.net>
Davis, CA USA - Monday, August 28, 2000 at 09:37:56 (PDT)
such as yours is just what my country and yours need. The state does
not own our bodies so we should be able to do whatever we want with
ourselves... consenting adults are free to make their own descions,
we don't need our Government playing dad or mom for us, we do as we
choose. I have reason to belive that marijuna is magic, it's almost
as if it is a placibo, yet a "real placibo" that can be
anything you want it for... Maijuna rids of the common headach and
it sooths the broken heart. It does everything for you. It can be
anything you want it to be; it's as close to magic as it gets. I'm
doing research on medical marijuna as of late, because I'm planning
on writing a book on it. If you have any unique information that adds
to a "ground-breaking perspective" in my campaign for the
legalization of the magic that is marijuna, please contact me... we
have a mutual objective and you will be scroing points for our side
of the underground drug war (pro-marijuna) if you can assist me by
givein gme as many details and unique thoughts on the topic as possible.
I belive in the medical use of marijuna, but moreover I bleive in
the power of the drug itself... not to say that I want to legalize
it for recreational use, but I do not think we should waste the time
or the energy on a false cause. People have died over the plant, and
I want it to end. I will be sure to stay in contact with you and let
you know how my book is going... Any links, or information that you
have at all, testimonials from other people with cancer, aids, glaucauma,
our what have you... let me know. Thank you.
Uehling <corey123@hotmail.com>
Overland Park, KS US - Friday, August 25, 2000 at 09:03:33 (PDT)
heard about your site, from a friend of mine, Dave Fawcett. I was
the first person ever arrested in Orange County, Calif. to use a medicinal
necessity defense. My partner, Marvin Chavez, and I were running a
Medical Cannabis Co-op. In where we dispensed for a small donation,
and/or free of charge, MEDICAL GRADE, (No pesticide, fungus, etc.)
Cannabis to other patients who possessed valid recommendations from
their Physicians, Opthalmologists, or Psychiatrists. (The only ones
allowed to prescribe in Calif.). I was found guilty of aiding and
abetting in the furnishing of, 3/4ths of an ounce, (21 Grams), to
a terminally ill, cancer patient. He subsequently died, between my
preliminary hearing, and trial. I was sentenced to four (4) years
in State Prison, and served 29 months, until my case was overturned
by the 4th District Court of Appeal. I am currently involved in setting
up a Medical Cannabis Dispensary, in Palm Springs, Calif. (I guess
some of us never learn). And I am extremely active in the Medicinal
Marijuana Movement, here in California. I am familiar with your work,
and I salute you for being the ACTIVIST that you are. Until this "WAR"
on patients is over, we will all suffer additional hardships, brought
upon by an unfair, and unjust Government. Keep up the GREAT WORK,
and your effort will soon be rewarded.
David Herrick <Pajutadave@hotmail.com>
Mira Loma, California United States - Wednesday, August 23, 2000 at
09:14:28 (PDT)
Alison (and Gary), Hello! Alison, Thank you so very much for all of
your very kind words and sentiments ~ to/for/about me (and for us....)
I do really appreciate them - that is for sure. However, I want to
say that I really do hope that your very good friend, Gary, doesn't
mind that we have exchanged (public) messages about medical cannabis,
MS, politics (mainly in my case)... and... our good wishes to/for
each other. (Specifically, if any of my actions were to cause any
innocent people any harm then I would be very unhappy, etc.) ... Well,
I hope that it has been ok to say this, here. Thanks again. Best Wishes
to you, Alison, and to Gary. Love, Pat. [Hope that's ok to say.] Ps.
Dr. Ricardo said that he was having computer trouble about a week
ago or so and that he had to use a computer at the library to get
online to make that post.
Florida US - Tuesday, August 22, 2000 at 04:11:47 (PDT)
Everybody !! Just thought I would drop a quick note in our Guestbook
thanking all again for the support and encouragement we have been
given ! This has been truly, overwhelming ! We are only just BEGINNING...;o)
To those of you unaware, a man by the name of Pat Whelan has been
a very important part in my Research on Medicinal Marijuana. (Pat
is the previous Poster here.) I met Pat in the Chat room at "cannabis.com"
and have learned an absolutely amazing amount of information on Medical
Marijuana from him. His dedication to helping people like me is remarkable,
mainly because Pat is not in perfect Health either. You know how much
you have come to mean to me Pat ~ Gary and I both adore you for that.
Thank you for sharing your extensive and outstanding knowledge agbout
this fabulous plant with all of our friends, those sick and in need
AND fellow advocates. All our Love and a Great Big Squish to you Pat
! The Statistics you posted are INCREDIBLE !! 42,000 to ONE !! Can
you believe it ????? Thank you for the enlightening info ~ as always
! Take Good Care Pat. We will talk soon ! Please say Hello to all
and give FoM and Dr. Ricardo a big hug too... Love and a Squish, Alison
Alison <marijuanamission@home.com>
Ontario, Canada - Monday, August 21, 2000 at 20:57:04 (PDT)
Everyone. I hope that noone minds that I post this message. I see
that at the Pat's Homepage webpage URL, that I previously posted here,
that there is a link to an article that is about the LD-50% amount
of THC in humans that I wrote and that was subsequently posted in
the Cannabis.Com Ezine. Most unfortunately, this Ezine article that
I wrote is based upon an Internet file that has a large typographical
error in it... so, this article is also in error. (Once again...)
I want to bring peoples' attention to this and to let them know that
the newer post that is at the link below has a very conservative calculation
of the inferred Therapeutic Index or Safety Ratio THC that is administered
orally in adult humans. This very conservative oral THC Safety Ratio
is calculated from the monkey data which implies that if an adult
human eats 630 grams of pure THC that this will not cause their death.
According to this non-human but monkey data that researchers found,
which I use for reference in the post at the link below, the oral
LD-50% level for adult humans is well in excess of 630 grams of pure
THC. This is so because none of the monkeys died when they were given
an equivalent dose level for their body weight.
This means that the Oral Safety Ratio or Therapeutic Index of pure
THC in humans is well in excess of 42,000:1. This means that if one
took over 42,000 normal-sized oral doses of THC - that is, at the
level that work to control the severe nausea of cancer patients who
are on poisonous pharmaceutical chemotherapy drug/s - that these 42,000
therapeutic-sized doses of pure THC would not kill them. Thank you.
Computing the Inferred Oral Therapeutic or Safety Ratio of THC in
Humans. http://www.cannabinoid.com/wwwboard/politics/messages/24/24157.shtml
apparently in the naihc.org file that I used in my previous post the
researchers found that they could not kill monkeys with *an oral dose*
(and not an intravenous dose) of THC of 9 grams/kilogram of monkey
So, using their range of 10 - 20 mgs. of THC for the minimum psychological
dose of THC for adult cancer patients and choosing 15 mgs. as an average
minimal oral psychological Therapeutic Dose of THC, we can calculate
another number for the Safety Ratio or Therapeutic Index of THC. Inferred
Safety Ratio or Therapeutic Index in Humans (*is GREATER THAN (because
NONE of the monkeys died) the following*) --
(630 grams)/(15 mgs.) = 42,000:1.0
Here is a clipping from the naihc.org file in my previous post in
this thread. Thanks.... Strong side effects are rare, even with
high THC doses. The median lethal dose (LD50) for rats is in the range
of 800 to 1900 mg/kg (Thompson et al. 1973). No toxic deaths were
observed in experiments of rhesus monkeys with an acute oral application
of 9000 mg/kg (Thompson et al. 1973). For illustration purposes: 9000
mg/kg THC in a man weighing 70 kg corresponds to the consumption of
630 grams THC or 3 kg of high-percentage Cannabis resin (hashish),
or 15 kg of marijuana of a medium quality.
- Saturday, August 19, 2000 at 00:59:55 (PDT)
Folks, I hardly ever visit my 3 little websites that FoM very kindly
made for me and for us, so I put it's address inside of parentheses,
which caused it not to work when you clicked on my name in my last
message, here. I'll try this again, in case anyone wants to see this
other website. [The other two versions of it are about the same, but
they don't have the message board attacked to them.] Thanks.
Pat <Pat360@excite.com>
near Gulf Coast of Mexico, Florida USA - Saturday, August 19, 2000
at 00:06:14 (PDT)
Alison, Gary and All,// Thank you very much for creating this fine
- The Marijuana Mission - website and for all of your other kind and
generous educational and other good activities - including the creation
of your new MS website.// I think that probably one of the main reason
that cannabis (marijuana) use can be so therapeutically helpful for
people with MS and those with other auto-immune diseases, is because
its use can help our bodies to stop the abnormal, very destructive
immune system attacks upon ourselves that are an integral part of
these nasty diseases.// Of course, its anti-depressive and numerous
other beneficial properties can also help hundreds of millions of
people (or more) World-wide, too.// I wanted to drop by to say hello,
thanks and to wish you both Good Luck. (I hope that it's ok to paste
a post here and that it shows up ok-thanks.)// Pat Whelan// Subject:
War on Drugs Is Very Harmful and Very Deadly.// Date: Sun, Aug 18
2000 23:15// From: Pat// Keywords: War on Drugs = needless murders
violent crime jails prisons police & government corruption &
untold suffering vs Liberty Freedom Justice// Previous: http://hive.lycaeum.org
(#973)// It appears to be clearly evident that the US War on Drugs
significantly increases the overall level of violence, the overall
level of suffering, the overall murder rate in US society as well
as the suffering, the violence and the number of deaths that are associated
with so called illegal drugs.// Our US War on Drugs has destroyed
the lives of millions of US citizens. Because of it, we spend more
money building US jails and prisons than we do building US schools
and over half of all the money that all of our police spend every
year is spent on the War on Drugs.// This unbelievable public policy...
that we call our War on Drugs... significantly increases the level
of violent crime in our society and it is causes at least about 10,000
extra US murders every year.// For example, consider these two comparisons
between the US and Holland. *While the national murder rate in Holland
is several times less than that here in the US - the US murder rate
is about 5 times that of the Dutch* - the yearly death toll from heroin
overdoses in Baltimore Md., USA, a city that has about the same population
as Amsterdam has, is *ten times* the death toll that is due to heroin
use in Amsterdam.// Source: San Francisco Chronicle PubDate:July 15,
1998 Page: A8// Dutch Erupt At Speech by American Envoy// U.S. drug
czar wrongly cited higher crime rate in Holland// http://www.marijuanamagazine.com/toc/071598-3.htm
near the Gulf Coast of Mexico, Florida USA - Friday, August 18, 2000
at 23:47:13 (PDT)
Allison & Gary, finally got my driver's license back today from
Chino police. While I was there I asked to see the arresting officer,
the desk officer said he was out on a call and would call me as soon
as he returned. I was anxious to ask him why he insists that arresting
patients is a contribution to society. Since he wasn't there I showed
the attending officers all the documentation that I now carry and
explained to them about how harmless marijuana really is. they were
all at a loss for words when I told them that I am now growing marijuana
again, and showed them the minutes of my last court day where the
judge had said "Defendant is allowed to have and use marijuana
per his doctor's recomendation". I love it!! Perhaps now they
will abide by thier little plaque in the lobby which is entitled "OUR
MISSION" and states that they are sworn to uphold the law and
to protect the people. The ball is now rolling in the other direction,
it's a physics thing - For every action , there is an equal and opposite
reaction. I also went to the court and got all the forms to file a
suit against my probation officer who disregarded my physicians statement
and confiscated my medicine, which has been destroyed so I can now
sue for $$$ to recover my losses. This is getting better all the time,
but it still will never make up for all the years wages I have lost
due to court dates and probation visits. If there are any lawyers
out there that have been following my entries here or reading about
me that could offer some legal advise about recovery, I sure would
appreciate a note or a phone call. Thank you, Peace Dave
David E. Fawcett <james_bong@juno.com>
Ontario, Ca usa - Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 16:56:01 (PDT)
Allison; I have just today found your postings on the CBC web page,
and followed your links to this site. Wow, what a serious deal! You
are truly a visionary in this rapidly changing society. Please keep
at it! My experience with the substance has been more recreational,
however, I share the same sentiments as many of those who use it medicinally.
I have been involved with the Emergency Services community in Ontario
for approximately six years. During those years, I have encountered
the minority of calls (if any) that were marijuana caused. Marijuana
can not be catagorized with such narcotics as coke, heroin, crack,
LSD, and the like. As far as a socialogical danger, I believe alcohol
is a far more damaging drug. Please continue to tear down these media
based lies, please continue to broadcast the truth about this substance,
Please continue to thrive, jive and survive... cheers Bob
Bobs House of Tomatoes <SeeThree@excite.com>
On Canada - Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 15:37:07 (PDT)
Corporation is one of the companies that is trying to win the Health
Canada contract for medical marijuana. I am Loren Wiberg and I am
the CEO and President of ZYX Corporation. ZYX Corporation has submitted
the required paperwork to Health Canada to be considered in the PWGSC
contract award. ZYX Corporation will, upon winning the award of this
contract, purchase the land and buildings known as the Penhold Bunker.
Sometimes called the "Deifenbunker" This facility will be
set up as a high security bunker to grow, process and store medical
marijuana. Persons who are granted excemptions will get their medicine
direct from Health Canada. This is effective and very cost effective
ZYX Corpororation
will, upon winning the award of this contract, purchase
the land and buildings known as the Penhold Bunker. Sometimes called
the "Deifenbunker"
This facility will be set up as a high security bunker to grow, process
and store medical marijuana. Persons who are granted excemptions will
get their medicine direct from Health Canada.
This is effective and very cost effective
ZYX Corporation - Loren Wiberg <wiberg@direct.ca>
Innisfail, Alberta Canada - Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 02:41:29
am 38 years old. I too have MS since officially told in 1992. Go to
my website to read more details if you'd like. My father also had
multiple sclerosis, but he is cured now...he passed away in bed from
a heart attack. If you go to my website, PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK
TOO...I did say please you know. I wish, no pray that marijuana would
be legalized as a medicine for all who are in need of it. REALLY I
DO... It works for me too, but highly illegal in the state of Missouri.
Damn Clinton! You're supposed to inhale when you puff...never liked
him anyway. Johnboy
John C Hentze
Manchester, MO USA - Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 15:48:34 (PDT)
Alison! MJ from Toronto Compassion Centre here-nice collection of
things at your site. You are officially an ACTIVIST. I met with David
Malmo-Levine from BC, the other day. He is involved not from a med.
standpoint but from a LIBERTY/harm reduction angle. Have you seen
the Cannabis Culture site? I bet you can type those words into a search
engine and get there. It's quite extensive. Keep up the good work
and good health! Cheers MJ
Mary Jane <Aandihorn@aol.com>
Torrana, ON CAN - Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 09:21:29 (PDT)
are an amazing person! I know several people with similar conditions
in NB and NS. Some of them have benefitted from the medicinal properties
of Cannabis. I hope that your share your story with the millions of
newspaper readers across the country. In Atlantic Canada we need more
good news like yours to be published so that the older generation
starts to hear more about the herb and its properties. Again, keep
up the inspirational work! You are already a heroine!
Greg Demmons <gregoms@hotmail.com>
Big Hole Tract, NB Canada - Tuesday, August 15, 2000 at 18:36:10 (PDT)
Allison, I'm struck by the analogy of the pied piper of hamlin, as
he plays his pipe the children following mezmerized behind never to
be seen again, very similar the family apprehension legislation, which
also plays its "pipes", causing our children to be taken
away.... but thanks to Rosey those pipes have been silenced for now,
and the children have been returned. Yes its unbelievable but true
that Rosey and CBC this morning was able to expose the truth, and
change the BC ministry of children and families, "tune",
from, keeping the children under a 3 month custody order, to returning
the children siezed, over just Marijuana, under a 4 month supervision
order. Which strangely enough, requires yours truly NOT to discontinue
my medical marijuana usage??!! July 27, 2000, was the happiest day
of mine and Rochelle's life when the social workers turned up on the
doorstep with 4 gleeming kids,( POW's), we are forever endebted to
Rosey , for making this miracle happen, and for chocking out those
77 year old tunes of Prohibitional injustice that bellowes in our
Canadians ears, and that keeps this insane war going. Peace be unto
you and your kin, Brian, Rochelle, Katherine, Tyson,Eyeisha,Teresa.
Box 2284 Hope BC V0X 1L0 1-888-249-0336 ps tell Steve Bacon i'll help
him win his case now, have him call me!!
Brian Carlisle
Hope, BC Canada - Monday, August 14, 2000 at 07:46:36 (PDT)
seeing if this works after my adjusting earlier :c)
Goo <gynchis@home.com>
Burlington, ON Canada - Saturday, August 12, 2000 at 21:59:12 (PDT)
Everybody !! David, I am so glad your Legal problems are far less
now, although, your Government still has ALOT to learn about Medicinal
Marijuana !! Hopefully Bill and Hilary will drop in here one day...;o)
For those of you looking for a New Page to read, please type in "www.members.home.net/alisonsmspage".
From there you can find the second page to my story. I believe the
URL for that is "www.members.home.net/alisonsmspage2". I
guess Gary forgot to add it to our present pages before he left ...
There are more Exemptees with Stories like mine involving Medical
Marijuana and their Health Issues to come. Please stay tuned to the
Site for further updates !! Thank you again to all who are dropping
by. We love that you are talking about this Issue and appreciate the
TREMENDOUS outpouring of support !! We ARE WINNING this battle of
the War on Drugs !! Bye bye for now, Alison xx P.S. Thank you so much
Julie for educating other young people your age in this HIGHLY CONTROVERSIAL
ISSUE !! Please keep in touch honey. We need more young people like
you to help Educate the ADULTS ! ;o) Keep up the great work and congratulations
on getting a great mark on your School project on Medical Marijuana
!! You my dear, ROCK !! Alison ;o) xo
Alison <marijuanamission@home.com>
Ontario, Canada - Monday, August 07, 2000 at 22:21:06 (PDT)
Gary and Alison, Guess I should bring my last post up to date so nobody
will worry about me doing the time I was supposed to. As ordered by
the court, I showed up on 7-14-00 in court to be sent to jail. The
judge called me up and told me to go with the baillif. I obeyed her
orders and went with her to an adjacent holding tank next to the court
room. There I was ordered to empty my pockets into a bag and then
was frisked. As she locked me in with some criminals I told her that
the pack of cigarettes which I had put in the bag contained four rolled
marijuana cigarettes and that I demand she return them to me as that
is my medicine. She was totaly caught off guard and told me she was
going to destroy them and tell the judge what I had done. She left
me in there with all these real bad types that were all awaiting their
day in front of the judge. None of them could even believe that I
had brought marijuana to court knowing that I was going to be placed
in custody. I began to explain to them that I am a legal marijuana
patient and even had documentation proving such , also in the bag.
The bailiff came back in and called one of the bad guys out to see
the judge. When he returned he told of how the whole court room was
discussing the Dave Fawcett case and how he tried to smuggle marijuana
into jail. This got me a little worried and I was wishing I had one
of those joints to help relieve the added anexity. About an hour later
the bailiff came back in and summond me back out to the court room
where I saw my lawyer. He was smiling and the court audience appaulded
me when I re-entered. My lawyer said "The judge will allow me
to have my medicine in jail, but advised against it". He said
that if the other inmates knew I had it they might try to take it
away from me. He then suggested that I sign up for a work detail instead
of jail time. They would allow me to medicate and work at the same
time. So I took it. Then I was asked to sit back down in the court
and the bailiff handed me back all my things, including my marijuana.
This was a first as I asked the bailiff if she had ever handed a defendant
marijuana in court before, she said noone ever has. So I guess that
was a small victory for me! Love what you have done with the site!
Lots to read and learn here now. This must be the first five star
marijuana site in the web! Love and all that mushy stuff Dave
David Fawcett <james_bong@juno.com>
Ontario,, CA usa - Monday, August 07, 2000 at 15:09:27 (PDT)
article brought up an issue I am interested in and that is the supply
side of Medicinal Marijuana. I gathered from your article that nobody
supplies safe marijuana. My questions were: Where do you get legal
marijuana. Has it been tested for quality, potency, pesticides? I
am researching this issue and will have more info soon I hope.
Gary Hodges <ghodges@mcleodusa.com>
Cedar Rapids, Iowa USA - Monday, August 07, 2000 at 14:42:19 (PDT)
LAW RULED UNFAIR BY TOP COURT"...headline...The Toronto Star
Tuesday, August 1, 2000. "Ontario's top court struck down the
law making it a crime to possess marijuana in Canada." (Thanks
to Terry Parker's fight against things unjust). "The court has
given Parliament 12 months to rewrite the appropriate sections of
the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act to include clearer medical
exemptions from prosecution. The law stays in effect until then."
Darn..."If they don't amend the law...everyone will be entitled
to smoke marijuana legally in 12 months." WHAT ARE THE CHANCES
Hans <thewall72@hotmail.com>
Toronto, - Saturday, August 05, 2000 at 16:44:14 (PDT)
Allison It's Normalee. Allison, this is my mom Marilyn Carter. I will
introduce you properly one day face to face. My mom suffers from many
things including arthritis, degenerative spine, a ton of nerve damage
and it seems like the list keeps getting bigger. She is on MS Contin
(morphine) and percocet each day just to try to make it thru each
day. The more medicine they give her the less it seems to do except
rot the rest of her body. Its not fair - she is only 57 years old
and should have (like yourself) many, many years of functional happy
life left. Anyway, she is very interested in more info about the marijuana.
The problem is also that she has asthma and what effects smoking (again
- she was a cigarette smoker for years) will have on her asthma. She
needs to get off of all or at least some of the drugs - so if this
were an option it would be wonderful. Does it interfere with driving,
etc... She would need all of the facts. Good luck with everything.
Talk to you soon. If you have any other info, let me know k. Thanx
Normalee Marilyn
Marilyn Carter <normar@lara.on.ca>
Burlington, Ontario Canada - Thursday, August 03, 2000 at 09:20:55
14yrs old, yet I still see the need to legalize for medicinal uses
as an important issue. It is becoming so large of a war(drug war)
that even classrooms are starting to take notice of it. For a debate
project I was givin the topic of Legalization. I do hope that more
schools can take notice of Legalizing for medicinal purposes, as a
learning topic. I learned amazing facts about it that completly stabled
my opinion.
Julie <Greenmagic419@aol.com>
Londonderry, NH USA - Thursday, August 03, 2000 at 00:39:45 (PDT)
to go Allison. We are always behind you all the way. Didn't know so
many facts before now. Your an amazing lady. Norm.
Normalee Pemberton <nlp@home.com>
Burlington, Ontario Canada - Tuesday, August 01, 2000 at 19:12:22
in good hands steven. I know he's busy right now, but you couldn't
be in better hands.
Lynn Harichy
London, - Monday, July 31, 2000 at 13:43:35 (PDT)
all, I think this site is a very positive look on Mary Jane....and
think there should be more supporting sited like this one. **burn
a fatty**
gilmer, tx usa - Sunday, July 30, 2000 at 23:51:20 (PDT)
here at Planetary Pride have taken on the battle also to inform the
needy people of this the people in need of this wonderful plant in
the treatment of many illnesses. A Medical Marijuana Conference has
been set up for the 21st of October in Sault Ste. Marie to inform
both the public and the health services. As this city is a cancer
treating centre for many people of the north and also the over flow
from southern Ontario, what better place to hold one. We are looking
for a few brave people to come out and speak on the benifits of this
wonderful plant. If you are interested or know of anyone who would
be interested in speaking on behalf of Section 56 exemptees please
contact me at dolphin@planetarypride.com , we have limited funds for
flights and accomidations. Together in the fight for a better life,
Alison Walton.
Alison Walton <dolphin@planetarypride.com>
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Canada - Saturday, July 29, 2000 at 07:01:30
Release: 28 July/2000 ©Docbush Publications 2000 E-mail: Steven Bacon
- sonnyboysb@yahoo.com E-mail: docbush@netscape.net www.members.home.net/marijuanamission/
Toronto Police Leave Medical Cannabis Garden Standing! Monday, July
17, 2000 Toronto, Ontario Toronto Police executed an extremely relaxed
drug raid in an industrial building in downtown Toronto early Monday
afternoon on July 17th. That day, building management had alerted
the police that cannabis was being grown in one of their rental units.
Although officers were posted at the door, later the officer in charge
did not even serve the search warrant. Federal exemption holder, Steven
Bacon, invited the police into the unit to discuss his failed effort
to grow medical cannabis. Late in the day, Steven contacted the local
police station to inquire about the two officers waiting outside of
his rental unit. He was informed that the officers were there to arrest
him for marijuana. He then informed the officer that he held a Federal
Exemption under Section 56 of the C.D.S.A. and that the cultivation
provisions did not apply. After a short discussion he requested that
the officer in charge NOT dismantle his medical cannabis garden. Steven
agreed to meet with the police at the Medical Cannabis Garden with
legal counsel. Professor Alan Young was on hand to negotiate with
the officers and to assist in any way possible. This was successful!
The police department consulted with Mr. Bacon and Prof. Young and
concluded that the garden was not subject to the standard seizure
and cultivation charges normal for this situation. A total of six
exemption holders have banded together to grow their own medical cannabis.
The next day, the officer in charge declined to intervene in the entire
matter and returned the keys to the building management. In the ensuing
10 days Steven was locked out of his garden by building management
and served him an eviction notice due to "marijuana" being
grown. Without water, power or tender loving care, the VAST majority
of the garden was destroyed. As you may have seen on the CBC Evening
News on Friday, July 28, the medicine that was growing is completely
ruined. All of the exemptees were counting on this midsummer harvest.
No one will receive any medicine from this effort. Now we have the
challenge of repairing the damage done and restoring the Medical Cannabis
Garden back to its former status. This time, history has been made.
We did not have to watch the entire garden being destroyed and then
go to court. This time, we will not have to start all over again with
new equipment. This time, we asking our community to band together
for compassionate reasons. We would like to ask that all cannabis
advocates across Canada to contribute in two important ways: 1) any
medical grade cannabis or funds can be donated at the Toronto Compassion
Club for the Section 56 collective and 2) let all your friends know
about this relative victory. We have established a TEMPORARY emergency
medical marijuana relief effort through the Toronto Compassion Club.
Any donations can be made for either the "Section 56 Relief Fund"
or the "Medical Cannabis Legal Defense Fund". Phone (416)
654-6120 or Toronto Compassion Club, 1380 Bathurst St., Toronto, Ontario
M5R 3J1 You can also drop an anonymous donation into Steve's account:
Royal Bank, Curtis, Ontario TR# 03692 ACCT#003 709 8304 and assist
us in continuing the battle. In the immediate future we are acting
in a number of ways and will have further updates. Please pass this
E-mail to three friends who enjoy the hemp!
sonnyboy <sonnyboysb@yahoo.com>
Oshawa, Ontario Canada - Friday, July 28, 2000 at 22:20:29 (PDT)
I'm so happy we found each other. Your a Godsent. I feel my strength
rising, because of you, and I'm ready for the fight of my life.
Lynn Harichy
London, ont - Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 13:00:36 (PDT)
have a brother in law with cancer and he uses cannibis to help his
appetite and to cope with the pain of chemotherapy. I strongly suggest
to anyone with this aweful disease to talk to your doctor or someone
else to find out more benifits of smoking daily.
Stacey VDK
Ontario - Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 14:55:56 (PDT)
hope more doctors visit your homepage. Interesting how similar our
stories are and we haven't even spoke. Thank you for telling your
story Allison. Lynn
Lynn Harichy <lharichy@execulink.com>
London, Ont Canada - Monday, July 24, 2000 at 19:19:18 (PDT)
there, Just wanted to post a quick thanks for composing such a great
site. I am a 23yr old female who was diagnosed with epilepsy at the
age of 16. I have been smoking marijuana consistantly for 3 years
now and have not experienced siezures since. I feel that using marijuana
medicinally can only be beneficial. It is not an addictive substance
and kills less brain cells than the legal drug alcohol which causes
many more problems in the long run. Your efforts in this mission need
to be commended. Good luck and good health! Your fellow supporter
in Toronto, Ontario!
Toronto, Ontario Canada - Thursday, July 20, 2000 at 07:56:43 (PDT)
appreciate all you are doing if you need some help non-monetary I
may be able to help as well all out there. http://www.twistajaye.com
or email at: webmaster@twistajaye.every1.net Twista Jaye
Twista Jaye <webmaster@twistajaye.every1.net>
seattle, wa USA - Wednesday, July 19, 2000 at 08:49:01 (PDT)
might not believe this, for so many people laugh at me when i tell
them this. Well it's kinda hard to explain, I suffer from severe visual
nightmares. I have tried pills, councelling, and finally i turned
back to my little friend, pot. Whenever i smoke it, the nightmares
disappear. But when i haven't had any marijuana those terrible nightmares
re-appear. All i really would like to say is....Bonne chance to all
of those out there trying to decriminalize marijuana!!!! You can put
my name down for i support you in the fight!!!!!!
Moncton, NB Canada - Friday, July 14, 2000 at 20:49:10 (PDT)
everyone, I don't get in as much as i want as i'm still off line for
a bit, but i'm really upset to see what they are doing to David Fawcett.David
,Hang in there man.I can't believe what those Nazi's are doing to
you;to thousands of innocent victims like you each year.While your
away , please know that each day you have to sit in that hole , people
like me will never forget where you are and why.Know that we are out
here, aware of the sacrifices of other soldiers like yourself. We
will maintain "our war" on "their war". Peace
:) sonnyboy
Steven Bacon <sonnyboysb@yahoo.com>
Oshawa, Ont. Can. - Friday, July 14, 2000 at 11:54:51 (PDT)
again, Just wanted to add a little note: I am going to jail tomorrow
for taking my medicine that my doctor recommended. The same judge
that is sending me to jail for using Medical Marijuana has also agreed
to allow me to continue using MMJ. Kind of ironic huh? Going to jail
for something that, finally, all have agreed that is OK, guess I really
need some kind of rehabilitation. Don't know exactally what that is,
but I'm sure it will all come to me as I sit in a cell while my family
sinks deeper into a poverty state without my income. What a country!
God bless America, where ever that is. Love and hugs to all the warriors
out there.
David Fawcett <james_bong@juno.com>
Ontario, Ca. usa - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 09:49:05 (PDT)
site! lots of personal and *very* useful insights. I will defintely
plug this one. great job!!! Neev xox
Neev <neev@connction.com>
toronto, on canada - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 07:47:50 (PDT)
Alison and mission readers, just wanted to say thank you for all your
support. Tomorrow is my last day as a free man before becoming a P.O.W.
(see cannabis court dates site). Pleas keep up the effort to help
re-gain our god given rights! It's been nice talking with you and
Ann, Will resume communications when released. Should be around the
middle of September sometime. Love as always Dave XXXXXOOOOOOO!!!!
David E. Fawcett Sr. <James_bong@juno.com>
Ontario, Ca usa - Wednesday, July 12, 2000 at 11:03:03 (PDT)
all - I think that the mission of this site is extremely important.
Fundamental human rights have been violated for too long, and people
who benefit from the use of cannabis should have the right to use
it! Just to keep perspective, however, we must keep in mind that cannabis
can have some negative side-effects. I have met a number of people
who have had psychotic episodes by smoking too much pot (emphasis
on "too much"), and heavy pot smokers can get bad coughs,
just like (boo, hiss) tobacco smokers. Pot is indisputably a wonderful
medicine, but like all medicines (natural or otherwise), it can be
abused. Having said this, I love the occasional joint after a long
day. I will always oppose prohibition, and champion the rights of
people to have access to "unbiased" information so people
can make their own choices. That's my say!
Keith Bolton <keith_bolton@hotmail.com>
Australia - Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 23:43:28 (PDT)
is a Message I posted when we first started this Web Site end of May
2000. I feel the same way again today ! "Hi Everybody ! WOW !!
I can't believe the comments in our Guestbook so far...It's no Wonder
I love my life !! :o) I can't thank everyone enough for their support
in this "delicate" matter...Nobody ever wants to think of
themselves in OUR position. PLEASE, talk about this issue with your
Doctors, your friends, your family, your co-workers - ANYBODY !! People
are suffering out there in Canada and other Countries because this
"Medication" is being denied them. We are fighting for YOUR
RIGHTS !! None of us want to see YOU in OUR POSITION !! What if you
weren't strong enough, or in good enough Health to fight for this
as a right ?? That's what WE are here for - for those of you who CAN'T
FIGHT because you are seriously ill or dying...The Suffering needs
to end !! Please people - STAND UP AND BE HEARD !!" Thanx for
understanding how tiring this work can get...We WILL prevail !!! This
Web Site is Designed especially for people like Todd McCormick, Renee
Boje, Jim Wakeford, Steven Bacon, Terry Parker Jr., David Fawcett
Sr., the Memory of Peter McWilliams and many other Medical Marijuana
Advocates past, present and future. I will continue to fight for ALL
of our RIGHTS as long as my Health allows !! Thank You all from the
bottom of my Heart, Alison xx
Alison <marijuanamission@home.com>
Ontario Canada - Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 23:33:19 (PDT)
alison,just wanted to pop off a quick note and let you know that I've
read your web page, .... good job ! ..... keep up the hard work, but
make sure you don't tucker yourself out in the meantime call me !!
kelly green <klygrn>
burlington, ontario canada - Monday, July 10, 2000 at 19:02:41 (PDT)
Thanks for visiting our website and for all the info about you. It
is very unfair of the government to put people in the position you
are in, and we all look forward to the day when the powers-that-be
end the suffering that comes from laws, not pain. In the meantime,
if there is anything we can do to help, please let us know; that's
what were there for. I will refer our members who are looking for
Sec. 56 to you to help expediate things. Your involvement is a welcome
addition! Like Matt said, check out the CCC too! Deb
Debra Harper <ucc@drugsense.org>
Calgary, Alta Canada - Saturday, July 08, 2000 at 21:53:34 (PDT)
all, It's been a while since i've been able to post.I'm an exemptie
here in Canada.Been so for 10 months now.I don't want to go into my
feelings and trials and tribulations of being a medicinal user in
Canada,I'll save that for another time.But I would like to update
on my health and the roll that marijuana is playing in it.As of January
of this year I finally found the common sence to remove myself from
the overlapping toxic pharmacutical cocktails that the tax payers
of Ontario had needlessly been springing $2300/mo for.I've started
putting weight back on.My pain is managable and the nausea is also.I'm
improving cognatively,phsically,and emotionally.In short I am getting
better ,and the marijuana has done exactly what it is needed to do.Give
me back a "Quality of life!" Now if only i could get the
$2300/mo that the gov't was willing to pay to poison me, I'd use it
to accurire good medicinal marijuana , THX :) Steven
Steven <sonnyboysb@yahoo.com>
Osh., Ont. Can. - Thursday, July 06, 2000 at 18:38:12 (PDT)
Alison, Thanks for signing my guestbook and thanks for the link. Nice
web site. Very tastefully designed. I'll add a link to it from mine.
You should have a link to the Canadian Cannabis Coalition at http://www.drugsense.org/ccc/
In fact, you should become a member of the CCC. I'll make sure they
add a link back to your site. Regards, Matt
Matt Elrod <webmaster@mapinc.org>
Victoria, B.C. Canada - Thursday, July 06, 2000 at 18:04:58 (PDT)
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